Wasabi Wallet 2.0.8 Release Post
UncategorizedRelease version 2.0.8 introduces several enhancements and improvements. It includes GUI support for custom coinjoin coordinator selection, connection via Tor bridges, support for TailsOS and WhonixOS, and the “exclude coins from coinjoins” feature.

UI Enhancements in v2.0.7
Announcements LearnThe new release of Wasabi bundles cutting edge privacy technology with a smoother user experience.

Only in Wasabi: Privacy Warnings and Suggestions
LearnVersion 2.0.4 introduced a comprehensive set of privacy warnings and suggestions that appear when you send funds. Warnings have three levels of severity, suggestions are actions you can take to keep your privacy intact.

Smart Randomness: Skipping Coinjoin Rounds Based On Fee Rate
TechnicalA new source of randomness was introduced in Wasabi v2.0.6 to improve the privacy of the coinjoin feature.

Deeper Privacy with Safety Coinjoins
Technical“Safety coinjoins” are triggered by default to ensure a minimum amount of remixing for users who choose to minimize costs or maximize speed. This feature anticipates how coins might be spent in the future to prevent guesses from being made based on a specific user behaviour.

Time is Money: DoS (Denial of Service) Fortification and Coinjoin Time Preference
TechnicalAs a result of months of hard work by the Wasabi and Tor developers, updated statistics from October 2023 show that the overall success rate has more than doubled since the previous year, with over 50% of new rounds and over 80% of blame rounds succeeding.

Friends and Plebs Don’t Pay Wasabi Coinjoin Fees
LearnIn this article, we’ll explain how Wasabi coinjoin fees work, how it differs from Wasabi Wallet 1 with Free Remixing, what Friends don’t pay means, the importance of accessibility in coinjoin transactions, what Plebs don’t pay means, why mining fees are never waived, and finally how to minimize mining fees in a high-fee environment.

Coinjoins.org Presents 3 New Coinjoin Wallet Reviews
Announcements LearnCoinjoins.org was announced earlier this year by Thibaud and Gustavo as a new public resource to discover and review bitcoin wallets with coinjoin features. Today, 3 new wallet reviews were released to help consumers discover the best bitcoin wallets for privacy.

Explaining Wasabi Wallet’s Tor Implementation
TechnicalThis article will define what Tor is, how Wasabi Wallet implements Tor exactly, what are the operations that require an immediate circuit update, why the coordinator doesn’t use an onion service anymore, and how Conflux could be a future solution to improve reliability.

Wasabi’s Latest Release (2.0.4) Improves Coinjoin Efficiency
Announcements TechnicalWith the 2.0.4 release, we have improved coinjoin efficiency in multiple ways so that you reach private status on all your coins faster and incur less cost. Our main goal is to even further reduce the occurrence of toxic change.

Bitcoin Privacy Primer
LearnGood privacy is important for your personal security. Deciding who knows what about you is essential for your financial matters. Few people know how much money you have in your bank account.

What is the Difference Between an Anonymity Set and an Anonymity Score?
Learn TechnicalIf you want to know the details of what is an anonymity set, what makes the difference between the former term and anonymity score, how to set your anonymity score target on Wasabi, and how your post-coInjoin activity can impact your anonymity, keep reading this article.

What Does the “zk” in zkSNACKs Stand For?
LearnThe “zk” stands for Zero-Knowledge. zkSNACKs is a pun originating from the cryptographic techniques zk-SNARKS (Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge) and zk-STARKS (Zero-Knowledge Succinct Transparent Argument of Knowledge).

Lesser Known Features of Wasabi Wallet
LearnWasabi Wallet is well-known for making privacy-boosting coinjoin transactions accessible to everyone, but some may not be aware of the extent of its range of customizable features that allow users to shape their own experience while using Wasabi Wallet.

How KYC Affects Your Privacy
LearnKnow Your Customer (KYC) requirements are meant to validate customers’ identities, but this collection is often involuntary, and they also hold significant ramifications for your privacy.

What are the Benefits of Coinjoin?
LearnA coinjoin is a special kind of Bitcoin transaction where two or more people’s transactions are combined, which breaks the link between transactions, improving each coinjoin participant’s privacy. When Bitcoin users have the ability to selectively reveal themselves to the world, everyone benefits.

The Best Technologies for Keeping Your Identity Secure
Learn TechnicalInternet websites and applications are full of trackers for ad and surveillance purposes. If you don’t watch out, you will quickly discover that you’ve revealed yourself to the world more than you had initially wanted.

Privacy in the Information Age
LearnBitcoin is right in the middle of the path to mass adoption. Many still do not understand the disruptive changes in the relationship between the state and the individual that will come with the triumphant advance and expansion of this technology.

How to Gift Bitcoin Privately
LearnExperienced Bitcoiners know how quickly the value of fiat money melts, so instead of buying your loved ones a gift card, keep them warm with the joy of hard money this winter season by giving them Bitcoin!

Modern-Day Cypherpunks
LearnCypherpunks tend to believe in the power of cryptography and other online privacy strategies centered around combating widespread digital surveillance. For decades, cypherpunks have been designing strategies and platforms to preserve online privacy for those who recognize its importance.

Why Privacy
LearnThe importance of online privacy is relevant to everyone—not just users who are looking to avoid the scrutiny of authorities for reasons related to questionable activities.

Understanding Online Privacy
LearnThe importance of online privacy is relevant to everyone—not just users who are looking to avoid the scrutiny of authorities for reasons related to questionable activities.

How CoinJoins Fix Bitcoin Privacy
LearnCoinJoin acts as an opaque wall in a timeline that transactions pass through. If a sender of bitcoin coinjoins, the recipient is unable to determine how the sender obtained the funds.

The Future Vision of Bitcoin Privacy in 5 Years
LearnCoinJoin acts as an opaque wall in a timeline that transactions pass through. If a sender of bitcoin coinjoins, the recipient is unable to determine how the sender obtained the funds.

Why We Work on Bitcoin Privacy
LearnThere are other important aspects of good money, which currently Bitcoin is not optimally designed for. Specifically, the fungibility of money…In the worst case, this open transaction history is the basis for a dystopian surveillance system.

Methods for the Destigmatization of Coinjoin
LearnNot enough people understand the value proposition behind Bitcoin. If they did, then the motivation for coin mixing and coinjoin services would become much more clear. Hence, the first step to destigmatize these services would be through education.

Wasabi is the Bridge to Bitcoin Fungibility
LearnWasabi 2.0 makes privacy easier, more affordable and more acceptable. Everyone will be able to use the open source software with the CoinJoin coordinator that they like the most and poses the smallest amount of compromises.

How to use Bitcoin Privately in 3 Easy Steps: Receive, Wait and Spend.
LearnWhat if I told you that it’s gotten super easy to make Bitcoin payments without anyone being able to link them all to you?

The History of WabiSabi
TechnicalWabiSabi is a novel communication protocol for creating bitcoin coinjoin transactions with arbitrary amounts. It is a concept with roots going back to the early days of bitcoin, even the earliest beginnings of digital payments.

Wasabi Wallet 2.0 Feature List
AnnouncementsThe zkSNACKs coordinator in Wasabi Wallet 2.0 offers an initial coordinator fee of 0.3% which only fresh coinjoin UTXOs will pay. Remixes (even after one transaction), Wasabi Wallet 1.0 coinjoin outputs and UTXOs of 0.01 BTC or less pay no coordinator fees in Wasabi Wallet 2.0 coinjoins.

The Implications of No Privacy on the Bitcoin Network (Pt. 2)
LearnThis article should be taken as a rough outline of the hurdles Bitcoin’s privacy has to overcome over the next few years to establish itself as the global monetary standard providing the fundamental right to privacy for everyone.

The Implications of No Privacy on the Bitcoin Network
LearnThere is a limited amount of time before the public utility borne of Satoshi’s vision is quashed by the centralization of power and wealth within and around the Bitcoin ecosystem.

How To Prevent Anonymity Degradation Over Time
TechnicalBitcoin can enable anonymous digital transactions, but it is good to understand where anonymity on Bitcoin can degrade. By understanding how anonymity can be eroded on bitcoin, one can then understand how anonymity can also be preserved.

Milestone in Unlinkability
LearnLinkability is a problem everywhere. But with the latest development in Wasabi Wallet 2.0, many things have changed and privacy given to the user through the use of its tool is far superior to the original Wasabi Wallet.

Blockchain Analysis: How it’s Used
LearnThe most problematic issue facing Bitcoin today is that it can be very easily associated with a person’s real-life identity.
Wasabi provides detailed coin control so you know how anonymous each slice of your BTC is at any given time.

The Privacy Benefits of Taproot
TechnicalThis article, focuses on the privacy aspect of Bitcon’s soft fork. It seeks to explain how Taproot increases every user’s plausible deniability and potentially poses a threat to the blockchain analysis business.

Podcast Review: Designing a Privacy-Focused Bitcoin Wallet UX
LearnThough Wasabi’s initial design was based on Nopara73’s vision of a privacy-focused bitcoin wallet , the UI has served its purpose and it’s now time for an upgrade – Wasabi Wallet 2.0.

The Necessity of Bitcoin Privacy
LearnThe right to privacy is an essential human right. Coinjoin technology being pioneered by the Wasabi team solves the Bitcoin privacy issue in beautiful ways.

1.11 BTC Grant: Design a Privacy-Focused Lightning Network Wallet
Announcements1 BTC will be distributed during Wasabi Wallet’s Lightning Network Privacy Research Grant. We’re looking for researchers and teams of researchers to design the best possible privacy focused Lightning Network light client. One may apply with a team or individually.