Lesser Known Features of Wasabi Wallet
LearnWasabi Wallet is well-known for making privacy-boosting coinjoin transactions accessible to everyone, but some may not be aware of the extent of its range of customizable features that allow users to shape their own experience while using Wasabi Wallet.

The Benefits of Running a Full Bitcoin Node
LearnRunning a node enables you – on your computer – to validate transactions on a completely equal level to everyone else on the Bitcoin network. Unless you run your own node, you’re relying on third parties to validate transactions, including your own.

Upgrade to Bitcoin Knots v0.21.1
AnnouncementsWasabi Wallet now uses the newest version of Bitcoin Knots (V0.21.1) on its backend after previously using a patched version due to a mempool issue where files over 32mb could not be serialized.
Wasabi Wallet & Bull Bitcoin Grant to Support Bitcoin Knots Development
AnnouncementszkSNACKs, alongside Francis Pouliot, CEO of Bull Bitcoin, have come together to make a .86 bitcoin, or $40,000 contribution (split evenly between the two companies) in support of the growth and development of Bitcoin Knots