Features Archives - Wasabi Wallet - Blog https://blog.wasabiwallet.io/tag/features/ Wasabi Wallet Blog: Insights on Bitcoin Privacy & Tech Thu, 19 Sep 2024 21:26:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://blog.wasabiwallet.io/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/cropped-ww_blog_icon-32x32.png Features Archives - Wasabi Wallet - Blog https://blog.wasabiwallet.io/tag/features/ 32 32 Why are we killing the Coordination Fee? https://blog.wasabiwallet.io/killing-coordination-fee/ Thu, 19 Sep 2024 21:25:04 +0000 https://blog.wasabiwallet.io/?p=3627 The cost of being an open source privacy preserving software and why we are killing the coordination fee

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This article is the first in a series to be published on Nostr and our blog that aims to explain our decisions and trajectory by clearly presenting technical aspects of our implementation of a Bitcoin privacy preserving wallet and the WabiSabi Coinjoin Protocol.

Being trustless and privacy preserving

As Sjors Provoost notes in the introduction to Bitcoin: A Work in Progress, “keeping open-source software free of money-stealing bugs” is an exceedingly difficult task, especially when such software handles funds. Potential exploits in code are visible to all, as are patches awaiting deployment.

For Wasabi, the challenge extends further, as clients participating in coinjoin must follow a coordinator’s lead—a third party whose code cannot be verified. We rarely break compatibility or force updates, meaning users on vulnerable versions will always exist if an exploit is discovered.

Wasabi has consistently been designed to empower clients against potential bad actors:

  • Reproducible builds
  • Minimal information transmitted to third parties (backend, coordinator, fee providers, etc.)
  • “Smart client, Dumb backend” architecture

The complexity involved in building a trustless system is both underappreciated and staggering. Trustlessness invariably comes at the cost of user experience, and these suboptimal workflows must be carefully refined to remain competitive against privacy-degrading or trust-based alternatives.

A prime example of this trade-off is block filters. While alternative wallets allow users to see their balance instantly by connecting to an Electrum server or similar backend solution, how do you retain users when your software first requires them to download 2.6 GB of filters, then download each relevant (or false-positive) block using the Bitcoin peer-to-peer network? To lighten this problem, significant resources have been invested in refining our synchronization process to optimize and ensure the privacy gain is worthwhile for most users.

Clients still need to receive some information from the coordinator: round start times, phase durations, mining fee rates, etc. This information is used to compute the round ID, which clients then use to build and verify everything happening in the round. Two clients receiving different parameters therefore cannot participate in the same round, ensuring a malicious actor cannot mine information by selectively sending different round parameters.

Why the coordination fee concept is not a fit here

The coordination fee rate is a field provided by the coordinator and included in the round parameters. However, this field is unique, as it involves a non-standard agreement: the client must pay this fee only once (concept of free remixes). This is central to how the wallet functions: the client automatically participates in rounds until reaching a certain privacy threshold. If the rounds don’t provide privacy, the client will continue to coinjoin indefinitely. Therefore a coordinator not offering free-remixes could create fast rounds not providing privacy and drain its users. We identified this problem, but the time it took to deploy a mitigation led to the only occurrence in our project’s history that some users funds have been exploited

Free remixes are not the only “workaround” implemented in our client to improve the coordination fee system. Another crucial case for proper user experience is the “1-hop doesn’t pay” rule. This means that if a payment is made using a coinjoin output and this payment produces change, the change doesn’t incur another coordination fee. This rule is essential because clients don’t control the size of their outputs. For instance, a user might receive only outputs of 1 BTC but need to make a payment of 0.1 BTC. The resulting change would not be private and would need to be remixed. Without the “1-hop doesn’t pay” concept, this would result in paying the coordination fee again. Like free remixes, this rule is not enforced by the WabiSabi protocol. To be protected against coordinators that might not offer this “fee grace,” clients would need to carefully select inputs for payments to minimize change value, sometimes at the cost of privacy.

In summary, the coordination fee relates to the implementation layer, and free remixes are not enforced by the WabiSabi CoinJoin Protocol. The protocol paper mentions it only as part of Wasabi’s implementation. The client must trust the coordinator to allow its inputs into rounds indefinitely after the initial payment. A coordinator could decide against offering free remixes, in which case the client must trust it to produce rounds that provide substantial privacy, at least worth the cost.

In other words, the coordination fee concept involves an element of trust. It creates an incentive for the coordinator to act maliciously and forces the client to be highly discerning in recognizing when the coordinator might be attempting to extract more money than it should.

Resources could have been invested during the zkSNACKs era to build a guaranteed risk-free implementation of the coordination fee rate and free remixes concept. However, because the only coordinator used at the time belonged to the same entity funding client development, this type of development was not prioritized, as we knew this coordinator would not breach trust.

This is no longer the case, and the project’s trajectory has changed significantly: resources are now extremely limited, and we prefer not to allocate precious developer hours to ensuring confidence in the coordination fee rate concept. Instead, we choose to allocate these resources to increasing software resilience, improving maintainability, and delivering impactful updates

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Wasabi Wallet 2.0.8 Release Post https://blog.wasabiwallet.io/wasabi-wallet-2-0-8-release-post/ Sat, 01 Jun 2024 11:51:27 +0000 https://blog.wasabiwallet.io/?p=3603 Release version 2.0.8 introduces several enhancements and improvements. It includes GUI support for custom coinjoin coordinator selection, connection via Tor bridges, support for TailsOS and WhonixOS, and the “exclude coins from coinjoins” feature.

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The Wasabi Wallet 2.0.8 release introduces several enhancements and improvements. It includes GUI support for custom coinjoin coordinator selection, connection via Tor bridges, support for TailsOS and WhonixOS, and the “exclude coins from coinjoins” feature.

Custom Coordinator Selection

With the sunset of the default coinjoin coordinator managed by zkSNACKs, Wasabi Wallet users must now connect to different coordinators to continue using the coinjoin feature. This selection is now more visible directly from the wallet user interface and in the coinjoin settings. 

Tor Bridges Support

Tor bridges have been added to improve connectivity and privacy for users in restrictive environments where standard Tor usage might be blocked. Tor bridges act as alternative entry points to the Tor network, helping users circumvent censorship, ensuring that Wasabi Wallet remains accessible and reliable at all times.

Whonix & Tails OS Support

Full support for Whonix and Tails OS, two operating systems renowned for their focus on privacy and security, is now available. Whonix is designed to run inside a VM and uses Tor for all network connections, while Tails is a live operating system that routes all traffic through Tor. Toggle your Tor setting to Enabled (connect-only mode) in order to use these tools.

Exclude Coins from Coinjoins

Users can now exclude specific coins from participating in coinjoins. This provides greater control over which coins are selected to participate in coinjoin transactions, allowing users to manage their UTXOs with better flexibility.

GitHub Repository Transfer

The GitHub repository for the Wasabi Wallet has been successfully transferred to a new location. This transfer allows Wasabi Wallet to be maintained as a fully standalone project, independent from any organization and open to multiple different contributors and supporters. The new repository will continue to be the central place for all development activities, issues tracking, and community contributions.

Notable UI and Functional Updates

  • UI Adjustments: Multiple user interface improvements, including margin adjustments for labels to prevent shifting, removal of unused XML namespaces, and enhanced styles for various components.
  • macOS Specific Fixes: Improved handling of window states to prevent crashes and ensure smoother operation on macOS. 
  • Backend Enhancements: Added more statistics to the backend, and updates to various dependencies to improve performance and security.

Additional Improvements

  • Statistics and Logging: Added response times to logging, enhanced Statista performance, and included more detailed error handling for output registration. 
  • Code and Dependency Updates: Cleaned up code, removed unused components, and updated tooling versions to streamline development and maintenance. 
  • Error Handling: Improved handling of reorganization errors and handshake warnings, ensuring robust and resilient operation.

Download the Wasabi Wallet 2.0.8 release at wasabiwallet.io.

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UI Enhancements in v2.0.7 https://blog.wasabiwallet.io/ui-enhancements-in-v2-0-7/ Fri, 19 Apr 2024 13:02:55 +0000 https://blog.wasabiwallet.io/?p=3484 The new release of Wasabi bundles cutting edge privacy technology with a smoother user experience.

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Wasabi Wallet v2.0.7 has a completely updated interface that enhances the classic, easy-to-use design of the software. Most noticeably, the navy blue background was replaced with a proper dark mode trimmed by green actionable buttons. Here’s a peek at what changed.

Before (2.0.6):

After (2.0.7):

Easy on the eyes

“Excel sheet” style grids for the transaction history, unused receive addresses, and UTXO menu were simplified into lists with embedded icons. Sharp edges were smoothed out with rounded corners, and text edits were made for extra clarity. But the “UI Refreshment” isn’t just a coat of paint: The pull request implementing it also closed 9 open design issues simultaneously, making Bitcoin privacy smoother than ever.

New buttons

The coinjoin settings can now be accessed from the “. . .” menu in the coinjoin music box, which replaces the blue light that indicated whether the Automatically Start Coinjoin setting was turned on or off. This easy-to-find option makes it convenient to adjust this frequently accessed toolbox.

Speeding up an unconfirmed payment using RBF or CPFP previously required right clicking the entry in your transaction history to find the option. Now, there are visible buttons for getting your pending transactions unstuck or cancelled.

UX improvements

The label for the recipient of an outgoing transaction is now entered on the same screen as the address and amount instead of spawning an extra popup, reducing the process by an additional click.

The Received/Sent/Balance columns in the history were condensed into a single stream of information showing + or – next to transaction amounts. Incoming funds now display a green color for the amount to easily allow viewers to figure out the direction funds are moving.

Don’t be a creature of habit

Many users have feelings of nostalgic regret when the appearance of their favorite app changes, but the UI Refreshment in Wasabi Wallet v2.0.7 is non-invasive to existing workflows. Try the sleek new style of Bitcoin privacy and download today.

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Latest Hardware Wallet Integration: Trezor Safe 3 on Wasabi https://blog.wasabiwallet.io/latest-hardware-wallet-integration-trezor-safe-3-on-wasabi/ Wed, 17 Apr 2024 15:37:34 +0000 https://blog.wasabiwallet.io/?p=3459 With the latest release (2.0.7), we're announcing that the newly released Trezor Safe 3 hardware wallet with secure element protection is now compatible with Wasabi Wallet.

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Since the release of Wasabi 2.0, many users have told us that they felt that hardware wallet integration had been put on hold. They were somewhat right. WabiSabi has made so many changes to the way coinjoins work that it has required almost exclusive focus for the past two years.

Fast forward to April 2024, WabiSabi coinjoins have largely stabilized and major performance improvements have been made to block filters. Because of this, active work on hardware wallet integration support has resumed.

In 2.0.6, two new wallets were added to Wasabi’s list of supported hardware wallets: BitBox02 and Blockstream Jade. 

With the latest release (2.0.7), we’re announcing that the newly released Trezor Safe 3 hardware wallet with secure element protection is now compatible with Wasabi Wallet. 

If you want to know all the details about this integration, keep reading. We will talk about what exactly is supported in this integration, how to use your Trezor with Wasabi, and finally how you can coinjoin directly from your hardware wallet using Trezor Suite. 

Why the Trezor Safe​​ 3?

The Trezor One and Model T do not rely on secure elements for protection, making them vulnerable to physical security attacks without the use of a passphrase. 

The Trezor Safe 3 introduces Secure Element Protection (EAL6+), and combined with a device-entry passphrase, it provides bulletproof security. 

It also features Trezor’s open-source design, on-device transaction confirmation, and an intuitive user experience. And as with all Trezor hardware wallets, you can use Shamir backups for added security. 

The most surprising thing about Trezor Safe 3 is how affordable it is: just $79 USD. If you don’t already have one, get yours here. 

What is Supported in Wasabi’s Latest Integration?

This integration is very similar to the existing integration for Trezor’s One and T models. Wasabi only uses one device management component, HWI (Hardware Wallet Interface), which limits the scope of what we can support.

You can add a wallet, send and receive bitcoin, and confirm your transactions and addresses on the device. You can also use and manage your passphrase directly from your Trezor Safe 3.

Keep in mind, device initialization and firmware updates are not supported and you’re better off using Trezor Suite for that. Finally, as with all our hardware wallet integrations, there’s no support for coinjoins directly from your hardware device with Wasabi.

Coinjoin on Trezor Suite

However, you can coinjoin on Trezor Suite using the Safe 3 and the other two devices. The best part of this feature is that you’ll be using the same coordinator as on Wasabi, the zkSNACKs coordinator based on WabiSabi technology.

To learn more about this integration made possible by our partnership with Trezor, read here. 

How To Use Trezor Safe 3 with Wasabi Wallet

Follow these easy steps:

  1. Select ‘Add Wallet’ from the sidebar in Wasabi.
  2. In the modal window, click on ‘Connect to hardware wallet‘.
  1. Name your new wallet, then click ‘Continue’.
  1. Connect your Trezor Safe 3 to your computer and unlock it with the PIN.
    1. If necessary, click on Rescan once your device is ready.
  1. Wasabi will recognize your Trezor Safe 3. Confirm by clicking Yes.
  2. A success message will confirm the connection. Click on Done.

Your Trezor Safe 3 is now ready for use with Wasabi Wallet!
Download and verify the latest version today.

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Your Anonymous Bitcoin Concierge: Buy Anything User Stories https://blog.wasabiwallet.io/wasabi-wallets-buy-anything-user-stories/ Thu, 11 Apr 2024 12:54:08 +0000 https://blog.wasabiwallet.io/?p=3340 The 'Buy Anything' button allows you to order any digital or physical item (over $1000) and pay with Bitcoin while protecting your privacy, brought to you by a partnership with ShopinBit.com. 

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It’s been 3 months since Wasabi launched the Buy Anything Button. This feature allows you to order any digital or physical item (over $1000) and pay with Bitcoin while protecting your privacy, brought to you by a partnership with ShopInBit.com

The next time you need to spend some bitcoin to buy something, we invite you to try buying it this way. You might be surprised how well it works for you. And if you’re still unsure whether this is for you, keep reading.

Who is it for? What features are they looking for that they can’t find elsewhere? What kind of products do they buy? I was curious about these questions, so I took the time to interview some users (anonymously) to bring you this information.

Who Uses Wasabi’s Buy Anything Button?

Wasabi users care about protecting their privacy. They value expertise and want something that just works. Buy Anything Button users are pretty much the same but they also appreciate personalized attention.

Let’s explore what that means in more detail by looking at the exclusive features of the Buy Anything Button.

Anonymous: No Email, No IP

Wasabi is one of the most anonymous software out there. It’s not just about bitcoin privacy, but online privacy in general. If you’re using the Buy Anything Button, you’re prioritizing your privacy.

The Buy Anything Button takes advantage of Wasabi’s Tor implementation (learn more about how Tor works in Wasabi) to provide strong network privacy when communicating with the ShopInBit team in the chat interface. Your IP address will never be revealed.

Unlike most other services, you don’t need to provide an email address or any other identifying information when ordering digital products. Of course, when ordering physical products, you must provide a shipping address, but ShopInBit’s privacy policy ensures that this data is pseudo-anonymized after 30 days. 

It’s also important to remember that you can buy products, from different stores, but you do it all through one gateway: The Buy Anything chat interface. This way, you avoid giving shipping information to multiple vendors. 

“it’s very much akin to ordering something from the hotel reception: you tell them what you want, they bring it to your door, and you pay for the product + service. Nobody else except for the person at the hotel reception knows what you bought and how much it costs.”

Concierge Service: Hassle-Free Experience

It’s pretty convenient to ask for what you want through a chat interface, get a bitcoin invoice, pay it, and have the items delivered to your computer or door. Especially if it’s more than one product, you can order it all together instead of visiting multiple websites. 

For many, convenience and time savings are everything.

Particularly when it comes with extra personalized attention. One user revealed that when he ordered an airline ticket, the concierge found a way for him to get extra legroom for free. Other times, if there are auctions for a business class seat, he can get you to bid on it.

Concierge service means that you are being taken care of, which is very different from a DIY (do-it-yourself) shopping experience.

Top Shopping and Travel Expertise

Sometimes when you go to a fine restaurant, you don’t want to choose from the menu yourself: you want the professional waiter to tell you what’s popular or what he thinks is best for you. 

The same can be said for online shopping, especially if you have a concierge service with top expertise. One user needed Christmas gifts for 5 different people, so he provided the description of the people and the budget in the chat interface. The ShopInBit team quickly figured this out, he was able to save time, and everyone was happy with their gifts.

Why waste countless hours figuring this all out when someone already has?

The same goes for travel. You want to go to Italy, but you might not know which cities are better this time of year, which hotels, which airlines to avoid, or what activities to do. Well, your anonymous concierge will help you figure all that out.

Which Item Categories are the Most Popular?

As you may have guessed, travel is one of the most sought after categories. Many bitcoiners have developed a nomadic lifestyle (somewhat related to sovereignty) which requires them to always be arranging travel plans. This service is perfect for those that appreciate privacy, convenience, time saving and access to travel expertise. 

Tech products are also quite popular, and personal care products too.


You know yourself, you know if this is the type of experience you’re looking for. If you’re a Wasabi Wallet user, and you’re someone that spends bitcoin to live, maybe you also appreciate personalized attention, well then why not give it a try?

I know I will. 

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How to Use Wasabi Wallet’s RPC Interface  https://blog.wasabiwallet.io/use-wasabi-remote-procedure-call-interface/ Mon, 25 Mar 2024 09:23:21 +0000 https://blog.wasabiwallet.io/?p=3327 The RPC is used to communicate with a running Wasabi instance. It provides some options and features which are not available (yet) when using the Graphical User Interface. Since Wasabi version 2.0.6, the RPC can be exposed as an onion service, which enables remote control.

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The usual way to use Wasabi is by using the Graphical User Interface (GUI), where the user can click buttons and navigate through the app using the cursor. Wasabi also provides a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) interface to interact with the wallet programmatically.

The RPC is used to communicate with a running Wasabi instance. It provides some options and features which are not available (yet) when using the Graphical User Interface. Since Wasabi version 2.0.6, the RPC can be exposed as an onion service, which enables remote control.

Let’s take a look at how to configure the RPC server, its available methods, the features that are currently only available using the RPC. and finally at a usage example.


The RPC server is disabled by default. To use the RPC, it has to be enabled in the Config.json file in the Wasabi data folder by setting JsonRpcServerEnabled to true. 

The Remote Procedure Call (RPC) interface allows anonymous and basic authentication access. The default is anonymous access. To enable basic authentication the JsonRpcUser and JsonRpcPassword should be specified in the Config file, and then the right credentials have to be specified at every request.

It is optional (but recommended) to install the jq command line processor and then use | jq at every request to get a structured output.

Available methods

The current latest Wasabi version (v2.0.6) contains 26 RPC methods:

getstatus, createwallet, recoverwallet, listwallets, loadwallet, listcoins, listunspentcoins, getwalletinfo, getnewaddress, send, build, broadcast, speeduptransaction, canceltransaction, gethistory, getfeerates, listkeys, excludefromcoinjoin, startcoinjoin, payincoinjoin, listpaymentsincoinjoin, cancelpaymentincoinjoin, startcoinjoinsweep, stopcoinjoin, buildunsafetransaction, and stop.

Most of these speak for themselves: createwallet creates a new wallet, listwallets list the available wallets etc.

Features currently only available using the Remote Procedure Call

Some methods offer features that are, at the moment of the writing of this article (Wasabi v2.0.6), only available using the RPC interface, like excludefromcoinjoin, payincoinjoin, startcoinjoinsweep and buildunsafetransaction.


Allows to exclude a coin from participating in coinjoin. The coin will never participate in coinjoin until excludefromcoinjoin is set to false.


Allows to pay to a specific bitcoin address in a coinjoin. This saves fees and block space since incoming funds, outgoing payments, and leftover change can all be made private at once.


Allows to sweep (empty) the wallet by sending the coins to the destination wallet in a coinjoin transaction. The destination wallet needs to be a wallet on the same Wasabi client. It works the same as normal coinjoin, except that the outputs are sent to the destination wallet. Note that this is not a proper coinjoin to other wallet implementation, but supposed to be used to empty a wallet.


Allows to build a transaction with the mining fee being higher than the sent amount, which is otherwise not possible in Wasabi.


Although not really a feature, this RPC allows you to see the addresses and derivation path associated with the wallets’ coins, which is not possible to see using the GUI.


One RPC-only feature worth highlighting is the payincoinjoin. Using this RPC method, the user specifies a destination address and the amount, and then the payment will be done in a coinjoin.

In theory, payments in coinjoins be made to any ScriptPubKey, however the zkSNACKs coordinator currently (March 2024) only accepts P2WPKH and P2TR outputs.

payincoinjoin only registers a payment, so if coinjoin is not running or the amount is lower than the wallet balance, the payment is queued.

This feature is new since the 2.0.6 release. The payincoinjoin works, but there are still some optimizations to be made, like to make the coinjoin coin selection aware of payincoinjoin to select coins based on amounts to fulfill the payment. 

Usage Example

The RPC interface can be used with both the daemon as well as the GUI. However using the GUI while also doing RPC calls is not supported and can make Wasabi crash.For wallet specific calls, the wallet name should be specified in the URL.

To simply start using the RPC:

  1. Have the RPC configured
  2. Open the terminal and launch the Wasabi daemon: wassabeed
  3. Open a second terminal window
  4. Call the RPC methods (one can simply copy paste the examples listed in the RPC docs:
  5. For example: curl -s --data-binary '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"1","method":"getstatus"}' | jq

(| jq should be removed, if it is not installed)


Wallet specific call: listunspentcoins

Wallet specific call with a parameter:

For demonstration purposes, we did it like this by manually entering it in the terminal, but the RPC also makes it possible to do things in an automated way.

For more information about the RPC: explanation and examples of each method, troubleshooting and how to expose the RPC Server as an onion service, please check out the RPC docs.

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Only in Wasabi: Privacy Warnings and Suggestions https://blog.wasabiwallet.io/only-wasabi-privacy-warnings/ Wed, 20 Mar 2024 14:29:16 +0000 https://blog.wasabiwallet.io/?p=3303 Version 2.0.4 introduced a comprehensive set of privacy warnings and suggestions that appear when you send funds. Warnings have three levels of severity, suggestions are actions you can take to keep your privacy intact. 

The post Only in Wasabi: Privacy Warnings and Suggestions appeared first on Wasabi Wallet - Blog.

As you may already know, Wasabi protects your privacy with massive coinjoins that have hundreds of inputs and outputs, all coordinated in a zero-knowledge fashion with all communication going through Tor. But that’s not the only way Wasabi protects your privacy. Version 2.0.4 has introduced a comprehensive set of privacy warnings and suggestions that appear when you send funds.

The privacy Warnings have three levels of severity, and suggestions are actions you can take to keep your privacy intact. 

In this post, we’ll take a deep dive into what each of these warnings and suggestions mean, and how you can leverage them to maximize your privacy when using Wasabi.

Privacy Warnings Explained

Wasabi categorizes its warnings into three levels of severity: Critical, Warning, and Informational. Here are the 6 privacy warnings that Wasabi may give you when you send bitcoin. 

Transaction Interlinks Labels (Critical)

When you use Wasabi, you’ll be prompted to add labels to receiving and to destination addresses. 

When a coin reaches full privacy (anonymity score goal), the label is automatically removed because its traceability is broken. However, if you’re spending non-private or semi-private coins, you’ll be warned about their labels when you send them.  

This is what a warning might look like:

In addition, when you hover over it, a tooltip appears with more information.

 “Those entities know this is your transaction. Coinjoin more or use the label management tool to carefully select who would know that this transaction is yours.

To resolve this, simply continue coinjoining to achieve full privacy for all your coins. 

Transaction Uses Non-Private Coins (Critical)

This critical warning is raised when your transaction spends coins that have not gone through Wasabi’s coinjoin, meaning they are easily traceable on the blockchain.

“Some entities can deanonymize this transaction because it spends coins with no privacy. Coinjoin more to have enough private coins for this transaction.” – Wasabi’s Tooltip

Transaction Uses Semi-Private Coins (Warning)

While better than non-private coins, this warning indicates that your transaction is spending coins that were part of a coinjoin but have not yet reached Wasabi’s anonymity score target.

“This transaction is not private enough because it spends not fully private coins. Coinjoin more to have enough private coins for this transaction.

Consolidates Over 10 Coins (Warning)

It’s always better to avoid consolidating any coins, even fully-private ones, as it can only hurt their anonymity score. That said, if you only combine a few mixed coins, you may not reveal your pre-coinjoin transaction history, especially if you have done several re-mixes. 

Wasabi warns you about extreme cases such as consolidating (spending) more than 10 inputs in a single transaction, as this may allow observers to link your transaction history and negate the benefits of coinjoin mixing.

Transaction Uses Unconfirmed Funds (Info)

This warning appears when you attempt to spend coins that have not yet been confirmed on the blockchain, which carries many risks.

This may cause your transaction to be rejected, or delay its confirmation, or cost more than needed to get it confirmed within the desired time. Wait for a confirmation to only use confirmed coins.

Transaction Uses CoinJoining Funds (Info)

If your funds are currently part of a coinjoin, it’s better to be patient and to wait for it to complete before sending funds. 

This may cause your transaction to be replaced by the coinjoin. Consider waiting for the current coinjoin to be finished before sending this transaction.” />

Transaction Creates Change (Info)

Creating change outputs in a transaction can potentially compromise your future privacy, although the impact isn’t immediate.

Change can be used to link this transaction with the next transaction that will use it. Use the change avoidance suggestion to send a little more or less if this is OK for the receiver, or coinjoin the change later.”

This brings us to the next part, Wasabi’s Privacy Suggestions. 

Improve your Privacy with Wasabi’s Suggestions

In addition to warnings, Wasabi provides suggestions to help you make your transactions more private. Suggestions appear when there is room for improvement, such as when sending 10% less would avoid creating change. 

Everyone’s favorite part is that suggestions are clickable, they’re easy to implement. Let’s take a look.  

Better Privacy

If sending a little less would avoid using non-private coins, this suggestion will appear. 

Full Privacy

If sending a little less would avoid using non-private and semi-private coins, this suggestion will appear. 

Change Avoidance

Change avoidance works both ways, you can either send less or send more to avoid creating change.

Label Management

When you have interlinked labels, you’ll be able to choose the labels you want to link with this transaction. 


As you can see, Wasabi’s warnings and suggestions provide a wealth of information to help you create truly private bitcoin transactions

Pay close attention to the critical and important warnings, as they indicate potential privacy risks, and easily resolve privacy warnings by clicking on the suggestions. 

Download Wasabi Wallet.

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Smart Randomness: Skipping Coinjoin Rounds Based On Fee Rate https://blog.wasabiwallet.io/smart-randomness-skipping-coinjoin-rounds-based-on-fee-rate/ Mon, 18 Mar 2024 13:56:33 +0000 https://blog.wasabiwallet.io/?p=3293 A new source of randomness was introduced in Wasabi v2.0.6 to improve the privacy of the coinjoin feature.

The post Smart Randomness: Skipping Coinjoin Rounds Based On Fee Rate appeared first on Wasabi Wallet - Blog.


A new source of randomness was introduced in Wasabi v2.0.6 to improve the privacy of the coinjoin feature. In earlier versions, clients would always attempt to register for the next coinjoin as soon as the previous one finished. Now, clients randomly pause and wait in between coinjoin rounds, which increases confusion for anyone attempting to track funds based on the timing of their movements.

The way this randomness was implemented does not behave like a fair dice, instead, it gives users artificial luck. Random skips occur more frequently while fees are high, and skipping is less likely when fees are low.

How long your wallet waits when skipping rounds is influenced by the coinjoin strategy you choose. There is a different chance to participate in a coinjoin round depending on whether you select “minimize costs”, “maximize speed”, or “maximize privacy”.

The Participation Calculation

The median fee rate of the previous day, week, and month determines the chance of skipping a coinjoin round. This chart shows what percentage of rounds your client will join under each possible combination of fee conditions for each coinjoin strategy profile.

Since the minimize costs strategy uses “weeks” as the coinjoin time preference, there is zero chance of participating whenever fees are higher than the median of the previous day or week. Whenever fees are at the absolute cheapest levels, clients will never choose to gamble away that opportunity and will join 100% of coinjoin rounds.

An additional privacy benefit from random skips is that it staggers the crowd of remixers. Since some users stall in between coinjoins, it increases the likelihood of coinjoining with more unique users as opposed to coinjoining with the same participants of the previous round again.

The subtle privacy fortifications implemented in the Wasabi v2.0.6 release minimize the UX trade-offs with cost or speed that are associated with coinjoins. If you haven’t tried the newest version, don’t skip the upgrade, let the upgrade do the skipping for you!

The post Smart Randomness: Skipping Coinjoin Rounds Based On Fee Rate appeared first on Wasabi Wallet - Blog.

How to Use BitBox02 (New) with Wasabi Wallet https://blog.wasabiwallet.io/bitbox02-is-now-compatible-with-wasabi-wallet/ Fri, 15 Mar 2024 09:23:00 +0000 https://blog.wasabiwallet.io/?p=3285 Announcing that BitBox02 is now compatible with Wasabi Wallet as of the Juggernaut Release 2.0.6.

The post How to Use BitBox02 (New) with Wasabi Wallet appeared first on Wasabi Wallet - Blog.

We’re thrilled to announce that BitBox02 is now compatible with Wasabi Wallet as of the Juggernaut Release (version 2.0.6). 

Wasabi has proven its reputation as the best privacy-focused bitcoin wallet, and now we’re on a mission to become the best desktop wallet for security-minded users. Integrating support for major hardware wallets is a fundamental step towards that goal.

Swiss-Made Exceptional Engineering

The BitBox02 offers a blend of user-centric design and state-of-the-art security features for Bitcoin cold storage. To learn more about the device or purchase one, check out Bitbox’s website

Read on if you want to know how to set up your Bitbox02 with Wasabi Wallet and also how to use it for sending and receiving bitcoin daily. 

How to Setup BitBox02 with Wasabi Wallet

Follow these easy steps to link BitBox02 with Wasabi.

Warning: You may need to disable the “Pairing code” feature or unlock the device with the BitBoxApp or hwi-qt before using it with Wasabi, as Wasabi currently does not support this function.

  1. Select ‘Add Wallet’ from the sidebar in Wasabi.
  2. In the modal window, click on ‘Connect to hardware wallet‘.
  1. Name your new wallet, then click ‘Continue’.
  1. Connect your BitBox02 to your computer and unlock it with the PIN.
    1. If necessary, click on Rescan once your device is ready.
  1. Wasabi will recognize your BitBox02. Confirm by clicking Yes.
  1. A success message will confirm the connection. Click on Done.

Your BitBox02 is now ready for use with Wasabi Wallet!

How to Receive Bitcoin with BitBox02 and Wasabi Wallet

Using your hardware wallet like the Bitbox02 on Wasabi is perfect to send your coins to secure cold-storage after you’ve used the coinjoin feature on your hot wallet.

Receiving Bitcoin is as simple as the following steps:

  1. Click on Receive
  2. Enter a label with the name of your choice for your receiving address.
  3. Verify the address on your BitBox02 by clicking on the small icon shown below.
  4. Scan the QR code or copy and paste the bitcoin address.

How to Send Bitcoin with BitBox02 and Wasabi Wallet

Here are the instructions to send bitcoin out of your secure cold-storage BitBox02 wallet. 

  1. Click on Send
  2. Enter the destination address and the bitcoin amount.
  3. Enter a label with the name of your choice for the destination address. 
  4. Most importantly, verify the details of the transaction on your BitBox02 before confirming. 


You’ve made a successful transaction with your favorite hardware wallet from Wasabi. 

Ready to use BitBox02 with Wasabi Wallet? 

Download and verify the latest version today.

More on the Juggernaut Release

The Juggernaut Release of Wasabi Wallet introduces significant advancements in performance and privacy. 

This update extends support to two leading open-source hardware wallets: BitBox02 and Blockstream Jade. It also introduces the Safety Coinjoin feature, adds 11 new RPC calls, and implements numerous performance and user experience enhancements.

To dive deeper into the specifics of this update, including all the new features and improvements, read the full announcement article here.

The post How to Use BitBox02 (New) with Wasabi Wallet appeared first on Wasabi Wallet - Blog.

Load Time Reduced by an Additional 60% in Version 2.0.6 https://blog.wasabiwallet.io/load-time-reduced-by-an-additional-60-in-version-2-0-6/ Mon, 11 Mar 2024 08:08:47 +0000 https://blog.wasabiwallet.io/?p=3240 Read about the changes that contribute to quicker launch times, including the migration of transaction data to a database and optimizations for handling multiple wallets.

The post Load Time Reduced by an Additional 60% in Version 2.0.6 appeared first on Wasabi Wallet - Blog.

For years, Wasabi Wallet has been considered the most private Bitcoin wallet. Achieving such privacy often seemed to require trade-offs in performance and speed. However, recent developments have changed this perspective.The release “Faster than Fast” (Version 2.0.4) demonstrated Wasabi’s potential as a highly performant wallet, and the latest Juggernaut release (Version 2.0.6) is taking it a step further.

You might wonder: What are the main performance improvements made in this release?

First of all, the application launch was significantly improved such that users can now benefit from a tighter delay when starting the wallet on their computer. This performance improvement reduces CPU usage and memory consumption by half. Then, the initial transaction processing was reduced considerably because of a complete rewrite of the CoinsRegistry component, which is in charge of tracking your wallet’s balance. 

Want to see how performant the new Wasabi Wallet feels? Download and verify the new version now.

This article will outline the changes that contribute to quicker launch times in the latest Juggernaut release (Version 2.0.6), including the migration of transaction data to a database and optimizations for handling multiple wallets. Then, we delve into the rewrite of the CoinsRegistry component and how it improves initial transaction processing. Finally, we’ll explore additional updates that enhance general usage and overall performance.

Reducing the Software’s Launch Time

Whenever you launch Wasabi Wallet by clicking on the application’s icon, there’s a slight delay between that and the moment the GUI (graphical user interface) appears. During that brief instant, many essential background operations take place. 

Here are a few of the adjustments made in the latest Juggernaut release Version 2.0.6 that minimizes the execution time of these operations.

Transaction Data Migrated to a Database

Previously, transactions were stored in a single plaintext file, which was inefficient for data modifications, requiring complete file rewrites for new transactions. This approach was particularly cumbersome for wallets with thousands of transactions.

In 2.0.6, transaction data (TransactionStore) has been migrated to an SQLite database, considerably reducing disk IO (input/output operations), thereby enhancing the software’s launch time. 

This migration also lowers disk and CPU usage during general use and decreases the memory (ROM) used by Wasabi, especially for larger wallets. Users with HDDs (hard disk drives) will notably benefit from these speed improvements.

Multi Wallet Usage Improvements

Wasabi’s ability to support multiple wallets is very convenient. With the latest release, we’ve optimized the loading of multiple wallets to boost performance. Now, when only using Wallet A, the software refrains from loading irrelevant information from other wallets.

Implementing lazy initialization for scripts in HdPubKey significantly benefits multi-wallet usage by deferring important calculations to reduce launch delays. In some tests, this adjustment cut software launch time from 30 seconds to just 10 seconds.

Improving the Initial Transaction Processing

Wasabi monitors the state of your UTXOs and thus of your wallet’s balance with a key component called the CoinsRegistry. In 2.0.6, this component underwent a full rewrite to enhance initial transaction processing. Whenever your wallet is loading but after it’s done downloading blocks, the update of this component is what takes the most time.

In short, this rewrite mainly transforms data structures into a Dictionary format, enabling faster lookups, of which there can be millions.

Additional Performance Improvements

Another notable performance enhancement in this release is the optimization of the Logger, which now requires slightly less time to log an entry. Finally, some algorithmic complexity reduction improvements were implemented such as improving most used labels, to enhance software’s performance during general use.


By re-engineering key components and optimizing data handling, the development team was able to significantly reduce load times and improve overall performance, resulting in a smoother and faster experience for Wasabi users.

Keep in mind that these are only the performance features of this release. You can find all the changes in the announcement article.

The post Load Time Reduced by an Additional 60% in Version 2.0.6 appeared first on Wasabi Wallet - Blog.
