What is the Difference Between a Passphrase and a Password?
LearnIn this article, we will explain what BIP39 is, the benefits and tradeoffs of passphrases, how to properly back them up, and how they differ from regular passwords.

xPubs & xPrivs
LearnxPub stands for Extended Public Key while xPrivs stands for Extended Private Key. Simply put, xPubs and xPrivs are the parent keys that can allow a wallet to mathematically produce billions of child keys that work as public keys and private keys within your wallet.

What are Wasabi Wallet’s Code Signature Strategies?
TechnicalThis article will explain how Wasabi Wallet’s three code signing strategies (Windows, MacOS, and PGP) work and how they compare in terms of user experience, trust models, cryptography, and certificate subscription/expiry.

The Privacy Benefits of Taproot
TechnicalThis article, focuses on the privacy aspect of Bitcon’s soft fork. It seeks to explain how Taproot increases every user’s plausible deniability and potentially poses a threat to the blockchain analysis business.