The post Wasabi Wallet 2.0.8 Release Post appeared first on Wasabi Wallet - Blog.
]]>With the sunset of the default coinjoin coordinator managed by zkSNACKs, Wasabi Wallet users must now connect to different coordinators to continue using the coinjoin feature. This selection is now more visible directly from the wallet user interface and in the coinjoin settings.
Tor bridges have been added to improve connectivity and privacy for users in restrictive environments where standard Tor usage might be blocked. Tor bridges act as alternative entry points to the Tor network, helping users circumvent censorship, ensuring that Wasabi Wallet remains accessible and reliable at all times.
Full support for Whonix and Tails OS, two operating systems renowned for their focus on privacy and security, is now available. Whonix is designed to run inside a VM and uses Tor for all network connections, while Tails is a live operating system that routes all traffic through Tor. Toggle your Tor setting to Enabled (connect-only mode) in order to use these tools.
Users can now exclude specific coins from participating in coinjoins. This provides greater control over which coins are selected to participate in coinjoin transactions, allowing users to manage their UTXOs with better flexibility.
The GitHub repository for the Wasabi Wallet has been successfully transferred to a new location. This transfer allows Wasabi Wallet to be maintained as a fully standalone project, independent from any organization and open to multiple different contributors and supporters. The new repository will continue to be the central place for all development activities, issues tracking, and community contributions.
The post Wasabi Wallet 2.0.8 Release Post appeared first on Wasabi Wallet - Blog.