Announcements Archives - Wasabi Wallet - Blog Wasabi Wallet Blog: Insights on Bitcoin Privacy & Tech Thu, 04 Jul 2024 08:48:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Announcements Archives - Wasabi Wallet - Blog 32 32 What’s next for Wasabi Wallet? Thu, 04 Jul 2024 08:19:03 +0000 Q&A to describe what will happen in the future for Wasabi Wallet's project and the reasons why current times are really exciting for Wasabi.

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After zkSNACKs shutdown announcement, the future of Wasabi Wallet might seem uncertain. However, those are not depressing but exciting times for the project, and this Q&A-style post describes why.

Why is zkSNACKs shutting down?

Running a coordinator, especially for profit, involves many regulatory complexities. After careful consideration, they decided it wasn’t a path they wanted to continue pursuing.

What was the relationship between zkSNACKs and Wasabi Wallet?

The co-founder of zkSNACKs, nopara73, co-built Wasabi Wallet and co-authored the WabiSabi coinjoin protocol. His vision for zkSNACKs was to create a cycle where profits from the coordination service would be reinvested into developing better software. This collaboration allowed Wasabi Wallet to be well-funded and feature-rich, making it one of the best in the Bitcoin ecosystem, especially regarding privacy.

How will zkSNACKs shutting down affect Wasabi Wallet?

Wasabi will transition toward being more like other fully open-source projects with low and irregular funding. While Wasabi is already a fully functional, feature-rich Bitcoin wallet, maintaining and improving it without zkSNACKs’ funding will be challenging. Our focus now is to downsize the codebase, remove hard-to-maintain features, and make the software manageable for a few maintainers.

Can users still access their funds if zkSNACKs stops operating?

Absolutely. While some features like exchange rate and mempool updates will stop working, you can still open your wallet and send funds if zkSNACKs’ server goes down. We are currently working on making the wallet more resilient and backend-independent. Wasabi also enables connections to any backend, potentially leading to community-run backends. Last but not least, Wasabi Wallet is fully non-custodial and uses standard BIP39 seeds. You will always be able to recover your funds by entering the seed in another Bitcoin wallet.

What is the value of Wasabi Wallet without the ability to coinjoin?

Wasabi is much more than coinjoins. It’s available on most operating systems, includes Tor, uses BIP157 filters for synchronization, and employs various other privacy-preserving techniques such as change avoidance. Also, coinjoins are still implemented, and anyone can run a coordinator to gather users for coinjoins. In fact, we are already seeing many coinjoins with quite a lot of liquidity.

How can users discover a coordinator?

Currently, most coordinators are advertised through Nostr. There are software tools like WasabiNostr to discover them, pages tracking their liquidity such as LiquiSabi or, and the community also shares information. Wasabi Wallet does not promote any single coordinator, but we are working on an unbiased and spam-resistant coordinator discovery mechanism.

Is it risky to connect to a coordinator with no reputation?

Wasabi Wallet’s coinjoin client is designed to minimize trust in the coordinator. However, because zkSNACKs was the only coordinator, we’ve been complacent. Some attacks are possible to extract funds, but version has significantly mitigated those risks. We are working to ensure it will be safe to connect to any coordinator and reduce attack surface.

How can someone run their own coordinator to coinjoin with their community?

The best way right now is using the BTCPayServer coinjoin plugin, which includes a customizable coordinator that is published on clearnet or as an onion service. We’re also working on integrating an easy way to run a coordinator directly from Wasabi Wallet.

Should Wasabi Wallet’s maintainers and contributors be worried about regulators?

No. Wasabi Wallet is an open-source tool for individuals seeking privacy and financial sovereignty. It’s not malware, doesn’t provide a service, and doesn’t generate revenue. It’s up to the coordinators and users to use our tools responsibly.

How can people help?

Contributions and funding are essential. We’re making it easier for open-source contributors, whether developers or not, to have a significant impact on the project. We’re also setting up donation channels for organizations and users to fund the project. Stay tuned for our first donation campaign announcement. Finally, simply use Wasabi Wallet and spread the word.

What about the long term? I’ve heard about Wasabi 3.

Our goal is to continue improving the best privacy-first Bitcoin wallet and set privacy best practices for the industry. We’re exploring changes for a hard fork of the coinjoin protocol to adapt to a more decentralized paradigm, including managing liquidity across coordinators, developing new revenue models for project resilience, and improving the engine in a small liquidity environment.

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zkSNACKs is Discontinuing its Coinjoin Coordination Service 1st of June Thu, 02 May 2024 17:16:23 +0000 After years of relentless dedication to improve Bitcoin’s privacy, zkSNACKs, the company pioneering the development of Wasabi Wallet, is shutting down its coinjoin coordination service, effective from June 1st, 2024.

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This decision was made after careful consideration and with a heavy heart. Throughout our history, we have always made efforts to operate under legal clarity. At this point, we need to regain more certainty before moving forward.

Wasabi Wallet will continue to function as a regular bitcoin wallet, users can generate private keys to receive and send bitcoin. Even without coinjoins, Wasabi’s client-side filtering architecture, Tor integration and custom coin selection make it the most private light wallet available. However, the nature of the bitcoin blockchain prevents users from obtaining complete privacy without coinjoins.

This also affects users of other wallet clients that connect to the zkSNACKs coordinator, like Trezor Suite and BTCPayServer.

Wasabi Wallet is a free and open-source software and will continue to be maintained. Anyone can contribute, open new issues, submit pull requests, or even fork it. zkSNACKs will fund the continuous maintenance of Wasabi Wallet’s basic features.

When Wasabi Wallet was launched back in 2018, privacy on bitcoin was only an idea, a dream of cypherpunks. After years of research, trial and error, we proved that bitcoin can be used as anonymous money in a fully sovereign way. Coinjoin allows for a peaceful, secure, and effective way to reclaim financial privacy. We succeeded.

The day will come when someone will write the code to perfect all the properties of good money. Until then, let us be grateful for what we have accomplished together and be mindful of the challenges ahead.

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zkSNACKs is Now Blocking U.S. Residents and Citizens Sat, 27 Apr 2024 11:22:37 +0000 zkSNACKs is now blocking U.S. citizens and residents from visiting its websites, downloading and using Wasabi Wallet and any related products and services, including APIs and RPC interfaces. 

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Saturday, April 27th 2024

Effective immediately and until further notice, zkSNACKs is now blocking U.S. citizens and residents from visiting its websites, downloading and using Wasabi Wallet and any related products and services, including APIs and RPC interfaces. 

In light of recent announcements by U.S. authorities,zkSNACKs is now strictly prohibiting U.S. users from using its services. An IP address blocking for U.S. residents is effective on, and

U.S.” refers to “United States” and includes the several states of the United States and related territories. If you are a United States Citizen or United States Resident, you are not allowed to visit any sites aforementioned, download Wasabi Wallet or use the Wasabi Wallet coinjoin feature. This includes if you are a U.S. permanent resident or if you are an individual who holds a U.S. passport.

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UI Enhancements in v2.0.7 Fri, 19 Apr 2024 13:02:55 +0000 The new release of Wasabi bundles cutting edge privacy technology with a smoother user experience.

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Wasabi Wallet v2.0.7 has a completely updated interface that enhances the classic, easy-to-use design of the software. Most noticeably, the navy blue background was replaced with a proper dark mode trimmed by green actionable buttons. Here’s a peek at what changed.

Before (2.0.6):

After (2.0.7):

Easy on the eyes

“Excel sheet” style grids for the transaction history, unused receive addresses, and UTXO menu were simplified into lists with embedded icons. Sharp edges were smoothed out with rounded corners, and text edits were made for extra clarity. But the “UI Refreshment” isn’t just a coat of paint: The pull request implementing it also closed 9 open design issues simultaneously, making Bitcoin privacy smoother than ever.

New buttons

The coinjoin settings can now be accessed from the “. . .” menu in the coinjoin music box, which replaces the blue light that indicated whether the Automatically Start Coinjoin setting was turned on or off. This easy-to-find option makes it convenient to adjust this frequently accessed toolbox.

Speeding up an unconfirmed payment using RBF or CPFP previously required right clicking the entry in your transaction history to find the option. Now, there are visible buttons for getting your pending transactions unstuck or cancelled.

UX improvements

The label for the recipient of an outgoing transaction is now entered on the same screen as the address and amount instead of spawning an extra popup, reducing the process by an additional click.

The Received/Sent/Balance columns in the history were condensed into a single stream of information showing + or – next to transaction amounts. Incoming funds now display a green color for the amount to easily allow viewers to figure out the direction funds are moving.

Don’t be a creature of habit

Many users have feelings of nostalgic regret when the appearance of their favorite app changes, but the UI Refreshment in Wasabi Wallet v2.0.7 is non-invasive to existing workflows. Try the sleek new style of Bitcoin privacy and download today.

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Latest Hardware Wallet Integration: Trezor Safe 3 on Wasabi Wed, 17 Apr 2024 15:37:34 +0000 With the latest release (2.0.7), we're announcing that the newly released Trezor Safe 3 hardware wallet with secure element protection is now compatible with Wasabi Wallet.

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Since the release of Wasabi 2.0, many users have told us that they felt that hardware wallet integration had been put on hold. They were somewhat right. WabiSabi has made so many changes to the way coinjoins work that it has required almost exclusive focus for the past two years.

Fast forward to April 2024, WabiSabi coinjoins have largely stabilized and major performance improvements have been made to block filters. Because of this, active work on hardware wallet integration support has resumed.

In 2.0.6, two new wallets were added to Wasabi’s list of supported hardware wallets: BitBox02 and Blockstream Jade. 

With the latest release (2.0.7), we’re announcing that the newly released Trezor Safe 3 hardware wallet with secure element protection is now compatible with Wasabi Wallet. 

If you want to know all the details about this integration, keep reading. We will talk about what exactly is supported in this integration, how to use your Trezor with Wasabi, and finally how you can coinjoin directly from your hardware wallet using Trezor Suite. 

Why the Trezor Safe​​ 3?

The Trezor One and Model T do not rely on secure elements for protection, making them vulnerable to physical security attacks without the use of a passphrase. 

The Trezor Safe 3 introduces Secure Element Protection (EAL6+), and combined with a device-entry passphrase, it provides bulletproof security. 

It also features Trezor’s open-source design, on-device transaction confirmation, and an intuitive user experience. And as with all Trezor hardware wallets, you can use Shamir backups for added security. 

The most surprising thing about Trezor Safe 3 is how affordable it is: just $79 USD. If you don’t already have one, get yours here. 

What is Supported in Wasabi’s Latest Integration?

This integration is very similar to the existing integration for Trezor’s One and T models. Wasabi only uses one device management component, HWI (Hardware Wallet Interface), which limits the scope of what we can support.

You can add a wallet, send and receive bitcoin, and confirm your transactions and addresses on the device. You can also use and manage your passphrase directly from your Trezor Safe 3.

Keep in mind, device initialization and firmware updates are not supported and you’re better off using Trezor Suite for that. Finally, as with all our hardware wallet integrations, there’s no support for coinjoins directly from your hardware device with Wasabi.

Coinjoin on Trezor Suite

However, you can coinjoin on Trezor Suite using the Safe 3 and the other two devices. The best part of this feature is that you’ll be using the same coordinator as on Wasabi, the zkSNACKs coordinator based on WabiSabi technology.

To learn more about this integration made possible by our partnership with Trezor, read here. 

How To Use Trezor Safe 3 with Wasabi Wallet

Follow these easy steps:

  1. Select ‘Add Wallet’ from the sidebar in Wasabi.
  2. In the modal window, click on ‘Connect to hardware wallet‘.
  1. Name your new wallet, then click ‘Continue’.
  1. Connect your Trezor Safe 3 to your computer and unlock it with the PIN.
    1. If necessary, click on Rescan once your device is ready.
  1. Wasabi will recognize your Trezor Safe 3. Confirm by clicking Yes.
  2. A success message will confirm the connection. Click on Done.

Your Trezor Safe 3 is now ready for use with Wasabi Wallet!
Download and verify the latest version today.

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Introducing Release 2.0.7 Tue, 16 Apr 2024 10:53:53 +0000 Wasabi Wallet has released version 2.0.7 This includes a complete redesign of its user interface, Trezor Safe 3 hardware device support and Full RBF enhancement.

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Wasabi Wallet has released version 2.0.7 This includes a complete redesign of its user interface, Trezor Safe 3 hardware device support and Full RBF enhancement.

A Fresh New Look 

In this release, Wasabi Wallet has a new look with an even darker “dark mode” highlighted by Wasabi’s signature green color. Commonly used menus and features were made more accessible by moving the coinjoin settings to the coinjoin status bar and adding a visible button in the transaction history to speed up unconfirmed transactions.

In version 2.0.7, privacy warnings were made more convenient by displaying amount differences in BTC and USD when avoiding the creation of change outputs. The wallet password required for spending and recovering funds is now called passphrase and specifies that it cannot be reset. A new sorting option was also added to reorder transactions by date.

Trezor Safe 3 Hardware Device Support

The newest Trezor hardware device with secure element protection, open-source design, and on-device confirmation is now compatible with Wasabi Wallet. Trezor is one of the most popular hardware device manufacturers for bitcoin security products. Wasabi Wallet users can now connect their Trezor Safe 3 and use it privately for cold storage.

Partial Support for Full RBF

As of this release, Wasabi Wallet clients are now detecting Full RBF replacement transactions. Also, the coordinator now replaces payments with low fee rates that double spend coinjoin inputs to defend against Denial of Service attacks. 

Privacy Improvements in Version 2.0.7

Autocoinjoin now only begins after funds are confirmed to prevent extra mining fees from being paid for coins that are already private. Tor version was bumped to from

About Wasabi Wallet

Reclaim your privacy with Wasabi Wallet, a free, open-source Bitcoin wallet with built-in coinjoins. Coinjoins are collaborative bitcoin transactions to enable cash-like privacy features for bitcoin.

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How to Use BitBox02 (New) with Wasabi Wallet Fri, 15 Mar 2024 09:23:00 +0000 Announcing that BitBox02 is now compatible with Wasabi Wallet as of the Juggernaut Release 2.0.6.

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We’re thrilled to announce that BitBox02 is now compatible with Wasabi Wallet as of the Juggernaut Release (version 2.0.6). 

Wasabi has proven its reputation as the best privacy-focused bitcoin wallet, and now we’re on a mission to become the best desktop wallet for security-minded users. Integrating support for major hardware wallets is a fundamental step towards that goal.

Swiss-Made Exceptional Engineering

The BitBox02 offers a blend of user-centric design and state-of-the-art security features for Bitcoin cold storage. To learn more about the device or purchase one, check out Bitbox’s website

Read on if you want to know how to set up your Bitbox02 with Wasabi Wallet and also how to use it for sending and receiving bitcoin daily. 

How to Setup BitBox02 with Wasabi Wallet

Follow these easy steps to link BitBox02 with Wasabi.

Warning: You may need to disable the “Pairing code” feature or unlock the device with the BitBoxApp or hwi-qt before using it with Wasabi, as Wasabi currently does not support this function.

  1. Select ‘Add Wallet’ from the sidebar in Wasabi.
  2. In the modal window, click on ‘Connect to hardware wallet‘.
  1. Name your new wallet, then click ‘Continue’.
  1. Connect your BitBox02 to your computer and unlock it with the PIN.
    1. If necessary, click on Rescan once your device is ready.
  1. Wasabi will recognize your BitBox02. Confirm by clicking Yes.
  1. A success message will confirm the connection. Click on Done.

Your BitBox02 is now ready for use with Wasabi Wallet!

How to Receive Bitcoin with BitBox02 and Wasabi Wallet

Using your hardware wallet like the Bitbox02 on Wasabi is perfect to send your coins to secure cold-storage after you’ve used the coinjoin feature on your hot wallet.

Receiving Bitcoin is as simple as the following steps:

  1. Click on Receive
  2. Enter a label with the name of your choice for your receiving address.
  3. Verify the address on your BitBox02 by clicking on the small icon shown below.
  4. Scan the QR code or copy and paste the bitcoin address.

How to Send Bitcoin with BitBox02 and Wasabi Wallet

Here are the instructions to send bitcoin out of your secure cold-storage BitBox02 wallet. 

  1. Click on Send
  2. Enter the destination address and the bitcoin amount.
  3. Enter a label with the name of your choice for the destination address. 
  4. Most importantly, verify the details of the transaction on your BitBox02 before confirming. 


You’ve made a successful transaction with your favorite hardware wallet from Wasabi. 

Ready to use BitBox02 with Wasabi Wallet? 

Download and verify the latest version today.

More on the Juggernaut Release

The Juggernaut Release of Wasabi Wallet introduces significant advancements in performance and privacy. 

This update extends support to two leading open-source hardware wallets: BitBox02 and Blockstream Jade. It also introduces the Safety Coinjoin feature, adds 11 new RPC calls, and implements numerous performance and user experience enhancements.

To dive deeper into the specifics of this update, including all the new features and improvements, read the full announcement article here.

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Introducing Support for Blockstream Jade on Wasabi Wallet Thu, 07 Mar 2024 08:18:35 +0000 We’re excited to announce that you can now use your Blockstream Jade with Wasabi Wallet. Combining the privacy benefits of Wasabi with the self-custody security of Jade is a match made in heaven.

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We’re excited to announce that you can now use your Blockstream Jade with Wasabi Wallet. A collaboration that combines the privacy benefits of Wasabi with the self-custody security of Jade – a match made in heaven.

The latest integration allows users to protect their bitcoin holdings in cold storage with Jade while using the coinjoin feature from the hot wallet, all from the same Wasabi application. You will have to initialize your Jade with the Blockstream Green software wallet, but once that is done you will be ready to use it with Wasabi. 

Why Blockstream Jade?

Blockstream has a striking track record of state-of-the-art engineering, and Jade proves this once again.

“Blockstream Jade is an easy-to-use, purely open-source hardware wallet that offers advanced security for your Bitcoin and Liquid assets.” Blockstream

One of the key differences between Jade and other hardware wallets is that the device is fully open-source, it doesn’t have a security element BUT is still resistant to physical attacks. Jade achieves this by introducing a zero-knowledge oracle-enforced PIN protection system. Learn more about this innovative approach to physical security here

Get your Jade now for only $64.99 on the Blockstream Store. 

How to Connect Your Blockstream Jade with Wasabi Wallet?

Once you follow these simple steps, you should be able to connect your Jade with Wasabi.

  1. First,click ‘Add Wallet’ on Wasabi’s sidebar.
  2. Then, click on ‘Connect to hardware wallet‘ when the modal opens.
  3. Name your new wallet. Click on ‘Continue’ when done.
  4. Connect your Jade to your computer and unlock it with the PIN.
    1. Click on Rescan when your device is ready if needed.
  5. Wasabi will detect your Jade. Click on Yes if it’s correct.
  6. A success confirmation message will appear. Click on Done.

Your Jade is now ready to be used with Wasabi! 

Hardware Wallets that are Compatible with Wasabi

  • BitBox02-BtcOnly1*
  • Blockstream Jade
  • ColdCard MK1, MK2, MK3, MK4
  • Ledger Nano S, S Plus, X
  • Trezor Model T

1* The device by default asks for a “Pairing code”, currently, there is no such function in Wasabi.Disable the feature or unlock the device with BitBoxApp or hwi-qt before using it with Wasabi.

More On the Juggernaut Release

Wasabi’s Juggernaut Release contains significant performance and privacy improvements and adds compatibility for two popular open-source hardware devices: Blockstream Jade and BitBox02.

To learn more about the details of this release such as the introduction of the Safety Coinjoin feature, the 11 new RPC calls and the performance and user experience improvements, read the announcement article here

Download and verify the new version now.

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Juggernaut Release 2.0.6 is Out Thu, 29 Feb 2024 13:53:32 +0000 Wasabi Wallet has released a new software update with its 2.0.6 version. It adds compatibility for two popular hardware devices, Blockstream Jade and BitBox02, with significant performance and privacy improvements.

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Wasabi Wallet’s latest Juggernaut release 2.0.6 adds new hardware devices, privacy & performance improvements and more.

Budapest. February 29th, 2024—Wasabi Wallet has released a new software update with its 2.0.6 version. The Juggernaut release 2.0.6 contains significant performance and privacy improvements and It adds compatibility for two popular open-source hardware devices: Blockstream Jade and BitBox02.

Safety Coinjoin & Time Preference

Sometimes users send bitcoin to their wallet for the first time, coinjoin once, and then sweep their funds in one single transaction into cold storage. While an empty hot wallet is good for security, this behavior can have potential privacy drawbacks. To accommodate this behavior, Wasabi Wallet is releasing a new ‘Safety Coinjoin’ feature which is aimed at protecting user privacy with at least two coinjoin rounds for the first Bitcoin deposit into an empty wallet. This new default feature prevents new users from making coin consolidation mistakes. 

Improvements to the coinjoin time preference setting provide better privacy and smarter fee control for users that wait for the cheapest opportunity to coinjoin.

Blockstream Jade and BitBox Hardware Devices

This new release introduces support for two popular hardware devices: Jade from Blockstream and BitBox02. These hardware integrations allow users to protect their bitcoin holdings in cold storage while using the coinjoin feature from the hot wallet on the same desktop app, bringing convenience, security and privacy to a larger group of users. 

New RPC Calls & Payments In Coinjoin

The RPC server has seen a major improvement with 11 new RPC calls available. Chief among them is payments within coinjoins, a feature not yet available on the desktop app interface. It allows users to save fees and improve privacy by sending coins directly to the final destination in a coinjoin transaction instead of performing each step separately. Other RPC calls include: fee rate for payments, anonscore & coinjoin status in get wallet info, recover wallet, speed up transaction, cancel transaction, load wallet, list wallets, exclude from coinjoin, list payments in coinjoin, cancel payment in coinjoin,start coinjoin sweep and fee overpayment protection overwrite. The RPC server can now be exposed as a Tor onion service.

Speed & Performance

The desktop app launch was significantly improved such that users can now benefit from a tighter delay when starting the wallet on their computer. This performance improvement reduces CPU usage and memory consumption by half. The overall wallet load time was slashed by at least 60%, which is due to transaction processing being much more efficient and transactions being stored in a local database instead of a single text file. Major speed benefits can be enjoyed by users of HDD computers. 

User Experience Improvements

Users can now rename their different wallets directly from the interface in the Wallet Settings. Privacy warnings and suggestions displayed while sending now use unique colors to alert users if they are making a non-private transaction. The wallet creation flow was also cleaned up to make the onboarding easier. Success screens are now closed automatically, saving users extra clicks. Discreet mode has been further expanded to hide suggested address labels at address generation. 

Further Improvements & Bug Fixes 

For businesses and users managing large wallets with lots of activity along with smaller wallets: cross-wallet performance was improved to run distinct wallets in parallel on the same computer. Users running the Wasabi executable can use the –help flag in the console to get options for which arguments to pass. The software was upgraded to Avalonia 11 bringing numerous performance benefits for the GUI. .NET 8 was also a major framework upgrade. Nix flake was configured to improve the backend deployment flow from GitHub for users looking to run their own coordinator. UI memory leaks have been fixed. The Coldcard hardware device edge firmware integration had bug fixes. The PGP key to securely report software vulnerabilities was changed. 

This juggernaut of a release comes packed with all kinds of performance improvements. The wallet is faster to load, the UI is more responsive, and coins get more privacy for less blockspace. Safety coinjoins are introduced to protect new users from undoing their privacy progress. Thanks to the contributors for putting this one together!” – Max Hillebrand, CEO of zkSNACKs and Wasabi Wallet Contributor 

Our mission at BitBox is to offer the easiest self custody experience possible. We are excited for this integration with Wasabi wallet, that will allow BitBox users to enhance the privacy of their coins, in a simple way– Douglas Bakkum, CEO at BitBox

About Wasabi Wallet

Reclaim your privacy with Wasabi Wallet, a free and open source bitcoin wallet with built-in coinjoins. Coinjoins are collaborative bitcoin transactions to enable cash-like privacy features for bitcoin. 
Media contact: [email protected]

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Buy Anything with Bitcoin through Wasabi Wallet Wed, 20 Dec 2023 13:24:41 +0000 The 2.0.5 release of Wasabi Wallet includes a "Buy Anything" button that allows you to literally buy ANYTHING (legal).

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You may have heard that using Wasabi, especially to coinjoin, would make your bitcoin unspendable. Not only is that not true, but we’re announcing that we’re making it easier than ever to use your bitcoin.  For Wasabi’s 2.0.5 release, we’ve partnered with ShopinBit. com, Europe’s Biggest Bitcoin Store, to bring you the ‘Buy Anything’ Button.

What if you could buy a car directly through Wasabi and have it shipped to you? Now you can.  

The ‘Buy Anything’ Button
The 2.0.5 release of Wasabi Wallet includes a “Buy Anything” button that allows you to BUY ANYTHING (legal).

Just click on the “Buy Anything” button next to the “Send” and “Receive” buttons in your wallet to start a chat conversation with ShopinBit’s professional concierge team. 

After letting them know what you want in good detail, you’ll have to wait a few hours (24-48) for a submission. When all the details have been checked by ShopinBit’s team, they’ll give you an offer.

Your order will be confirmed once you accept it and pay the bitcoin invoice.

If the product is physical, you will need to enter your shipping address details to receive it. The shipping time depends on the product and the shipping destination, but don’t worry, you can track your order with the link provided.

“Your Order Has Been Shipped”

The timing of this release couldn’t be better. The new year is starting and Bitcoin’s price is doing well again, you can order anything you want for yourself and your dear ones directly from your favourite wallet.

Download the latest version (2.0.5) of Wasabi Wallet and start shopping now.

We Have Partnered with ShopinBit

We’d like to thank the Shopinbit team for making this possible through their Premium Concierge Service, which allows you to buy anything and get it delivered anywhere. They’re based in Poland and are Europe’s largest Bitcoin store, but they ship worldwide. 

You have a direct communication channel from your Wasabi Wallet client application to Shopinbit’s servers. zkSNACKs (Wasabi’s development company) can’t see anything exchanged on this channel and doesn’t know anything about your orders. 

To learn more about the ShopinBit company and team, click here.  

What are the Limits and the Fees?

For now, the minimum total order price is USD 1,000. There is no limit per se, but only VIP customers can place orders for more than USD 60,000. VIP customers must have at least one previous shopping experience through ShopinBit’s Concierge service.

Fees might vary depending on the order.

Update Wasabi Wallet and Buy Anything with Bitcoin Now

Other Questions You Might Have (FAQ)

  1. Can I really buy anything? 

ShopinBit’s Concierge Service does not provide any kind of drugs, prescription medications, weapons, precious metals, cryptocurrencies, financial instruments, or any type of product that is illegal in Poland. You can buy anything else. 

  1. Can I pay my rent or another invoice?

Yes, ShopinBit can pay with almost any payment method supported by Wise, Revolut, the banking system and major credit cards, so services like your rent can be paid. 

  1. Why does it take 24-48 hours to get my quote? 

All requests are handled manually by ShopinBit’s team and sometimes need to be reviewed with legal counsel. The following 4 points have to be reviewed: 

 a) That the product/service can be bought from Shopinbit;

 b) ShopinBit is allowed to sell the product to you;

 c) ShopinBit can ship the product to you;

 d) It is all legal to do so.

An offer will be issued only until these 4 points are sorted out. If it’s not possible, you will receive a friendly decline with an explanation of why.

  1. How is the bitcoin price calculated at the time of the transaction?

The offer quote is always in fiat (in USD precisely) and the final BTC amount is displayed when the user agrees to buy now. The exchange rate is reserved for 30 minutes.

  1. Will I get an invoice? 

Yes, it will be available through a download link.

  1. What about duties and taxes? 

It will depend on the source and destination of the product. If it has to cross borders, it might be subject to duties or taxes. If it can be purchased in the same country as it’s being delivered, there will be no duty taxes added to the final price.

  1. How long does it take to ship a physical product? A digital product?

There is no general answer to this question for physical products. It depends on where the product is (ShopinBit’s warehouse or third-party warehouse) and how it will be shipped to you. 

For digital products, they are shipped on the same day as payment.

  1. What is the data management policy? 

ShopinBit pseudonomizes (a.k.a. turns real personal data into generic gibberish) 30 days after completion of the order. ShopinBit is legally obligated to store invoices (with the shipping address), which are kept offline.

Remember that zkSNACKs is never aware of the data of this service, and you can delete your local data anytime.

  1.  How does zkSNACKs make money? 

Orders made through Wasabi include an affiliate code and a fair cut is given to zkSNACKs, similar to standard affiliation programs.

  1. Will I get in trouble with tax authorities because of this?

We can’t help you with tax issues, you need to know the laws of your own country. In general, if you haven’t paid taxes, you may get in trouble for not paying the taxes, not for spending your money with ShopinBit’s service.

  1. What countries are not allowed?

Iran and North Korea are not allowed. Ukraine and Russia are currently halted due to the ongoing war.

  1. Does the service include shipping to remote areas? What shipping service will be used?

ShopinBit ships anywhere, if you can pay for it. The service depends on the country. Their team has experience with difficult shipping conditions.

  1. What is the return and reimbursement policy?

After you receive your order, you have a 14-day right of return. This means that if you do not like it, you can send it back (you will have to pay for the shipping).

Cars, boats, yachts, airplanes, jewellery, custom and digital items are non-returnable

If you exercise your right of withdrawal, the USD value will be used to calculate the amount of your returned coins on the day your order arrives back at the warehouse. 

The post Buy Anything with Bitcoin through Wasabi Wallet appeared first on Wasabi Wallet - Blog.
