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WVE–006 DDoS Attack Report
Announcements TechnicalWasabi Wallet team heroically defends the server by implementing security measures while still being attacked by the botnets of zombie computers

Pizza for Bitcoin?
Learn“Pizza Day” has become a milestone in Bitcoin’s history, but how many articles address the privacy concerns that this transaction raises?
zk Stands for Zero Knowledge
LearnYou may have heard of zkSNACKs, the company that is sponsoring the development of Wasabi. But where does that name come from?
Wasabi Wallet and Tor Consensus Issues
TechnicalBitcoin is a peer-to-peer network of nodes that define, verify, and enforce the Bitcoin consensus rules. There is a lot of communication between them and metadata can be used to […]

What is a Coinjoin?
LearnBitcoin by default does not provide the privacy we got used to with the traditional financial systems due to its publicly transparent nature. The aim is to have privacy by default while having the option to be publicly transparent at will
WVE–005 Responsible Disclosure & v4 Hard Fork
Announcements TechnicalIf you have already downloaded Wasabi Wallet v1.1.12, released on August 5th, 2020, then you are ready to take full advantage of the v4 Hard Fork; which fixed this vulnerability. In this case no user action is needed.
Wasabi Wallet and Tor SSL stripping attacks
TechnicalUnlike many other “traditional” mixers where users must give control of their coins to another party and trust that this party will return the bitcoin to them, Wasabi Wallet does not take custody of assets.
Wasabi Wallet 1.1.12 is out!
AnnouncementsThis release introduces several major features, improvements and bug fixes. Among many other improvements, this release is a preparation for the upcoming v4 Hard Fork.
Wasabi Wallet’s advisory for Trezor users
AnnouncementsIf you’re a Wasabi Wallet user with a Trezor device, please don’t update your current Wasabi Wallet installation and Trezor devices to version 2.3.1 (Trezor Model T) and version 1.9.1 (Trezor One) yet or you may get locked out of your bitcoins until we fix the issue.