It has finally happened. You can now buy anything (legal) through the Wasabi Wallet’s Buy Anything feature in partnership with ShopInBit. The argument that using coinjoin makes your coins unspendable is no longer valid. To learn more about this release, read the blog post here.
You’ve downloaded the new version and now you’re ready to give it a try. You want to treat yourself and your loved ones to some nice gifts, but you feel uninspired and don’t know what to get. If that’s the case, this article is for you.
We asked ourselves: “What are 10 crazy things you can buy with Wasabi Wallet’s Buy Anything feature?” Let’s push the boundaries of your imagination. Expect to be surprised, even shocked for some.
1. Garden with 50 Bonsai Trees
Are you a fan of the Japanese art of growing and training miniature trees? How about going all out and creating a bonsai garden with up to 50 trees?
This is what your backyard could look like (if you have a yard the size of a downtown area).
Not a Bonsai fan? On to the next one.
2. Pay for a Funeral Bill
Things got dark pretty quickly, but the point is that we’re here for you in the good times and the not-so-good times. Whether the funeral home accepts credit card payments or only bank transfers, ShopInBit’s support agents can take care of it for you.
Let’s go back to something happier.
3. A Harp
The Buy Anything feature is also geared toward musicians, and there’s no discrimination based on the size of the instrument. Just make sure you have enough storage space for your harp.
You + A brand new harp + the Scottish Highlands?
But how are you going to get your harp there? You’re going to need a car, and while you’re at it, you might as well forget about the harp and just get a very cool car.
4. A Mercedes GLE 63 S AMG
Imagine it’s the middle of 2025 and Bitcoin is now at $300,000, wouldn’t you dare to buy your dream car? I know the most frugal of you will still have only one chair in your house, but the rest of us deserve to live a little!
Of course, you will be sure to print your favorite wallet’s logo on your brand-new Chad car.

Enough with the jokes and the luxury, let’s talk practicality.
5. 1 Year Rent for your New Apartment
You just found a great new place in your town. The only problem is, they want you to do an extensive credit check investigation, but that goes against your principles. You’d rather pay a year’s rent in advance so they’ll respect your privacy.
Wherever you are in the world (except Iran, North Korea, Ukraine, and Russia), you can pay your rent using the Buy Anything feature in Wasabi Wallet.
You have the apartment and a floor mattress. Try to guess what’s next.
6. Completely Furnish your Apartment using the Buy Anything Feature
For the interior designers out there, Wasabi and ShopInBit have got you covered. We already know you love bitcoin, so we took the liberty of imagining a living room with an orange touch.
We know you do a better job of designing than we do, and whatever you choose to furnish and decorate your home, you’ll be able to have it shipped to you directly from your Wasabi Wallet.
7. A 3m2 Swimming Pool
We imagine that after all that hard work decorating your home, you are hot and ready for a dip in the pool, but where can you get one?
Open up Wasabi Wallet, click ‘Buy Anything’, and order the outdoor pool of your dreams. Or pay a pool contractor to build you an indoor pool.
Bitcoin or Swimming Pool? Why not both?
8. An 85″ TV
After a long day of swimming, why not end it by watching the bitcoin price rise on an 85 inch TV you just got delivered from ShopInBit? Might as well bring the family together for that.
Ok, enough with the fun, let’s get serious.
9. 2x Server Rack R182-Z93, Dual Epyc
We know that you value privacy and self-custody, not just for bitcoin, but for your entire digital life.
You live by two mottos: “Not your keys, not your coins” and “Not your metal, not your computer”.
You want to take things to the next level and build a server room at home. There you’ll be able to run open-source software to replace cloud-based systems, and also run your own open source LLM (Large Language Model) to train your AI models without the censorship of Big Tech.
Okay, it may not look like that, but it will feel like it, and you will feel like a real cyborg.
10. A Fully Customizable Adult Sex Doll
Now that you’re a cyborg, you might want a cyborg companion. I won’t post any images here, I’ll let your imagination run wild. As crazy as this sounds, it will be possible to buy anything, even this, directly from your Wasabi Wallet.